Ketzin at EGU Conference, April 2017

There will be a few talks and posters about the Ketzin Pilot Site at the EGU 2017 Conference in Vienna, according to the searchable Meeting Program:

EGU Conference programme

7 Search results for "ketzin"

Session ERE5.4 (6 results)

Geological CO2 storage: Field methods and analysis of field data from sites and natural analogues.

Convener: Sonja Martens  | Co-Conveners: Fritjof Fagerlund , Stefan Lüth , Stuart Gilfillan , Valentina Romano

Orals / Wed, 26 Apr, 15:30–17:00 / Room M2
Posters / Attendance Tue, 25 Apr, 17:30–19:00 / Hall X1

Session ERE5.5 | 1 Poster | EGU2017-16380

Enhancing the revision of the static geological model of the Stuttgart Formation at the Ketzin pilot site by integration of reservoir simulations and 3D seismics.
Thomas Kempka, Ben Norden, Alexandra Ivanova, and Stefan Lüth
Tue, 25 Apr, 17:30–19:00, Hall X1
